Walk In Love
[Updated 11-14-2024]
Did you know that even given our substantial endowment funds, the largest percentage of our operating income each year is your pledge and plate donations?
The Gospel invites us to walk in love with our neighbors: in their footsteps, with the outcast and the marginalized, with those who need us. As we spread the Good News in our world, we carry the love and support of our congregation and our prayers into our communities. As we share our many gifts with one another, every step is walking in love. Thank you for walking with one another.
Note: Pledge cards are being mailed to each active parishioner. Please keep an eye on your mailbox and return them as soon as possible.
Your pledges help us formulate our budget for next year. Some items in the budget appear unrelated to ministry—e.g. insurance, utilities, office expenses. However, everything in the budget is part of our Walk In Love ministry. A few examples:
- The electric bill is necessary for light, sound, and HVAC sytems, all essential to our congregation on Sunday morning, when we learn together, pray together, and are nourished in the sacraments. All this is done so that we might go back into the world as a people further aware of the holiness all around us so that we may live out the Gospel in word and in deed as we go about our everyday lives. That electric bill also allows us to open our doors for six 12 step meetings each week, make sandwiches for our Peanut Butter & Jamboree outreach, and be open for other community events and concerts.
- Communications expenses allow us to spread important information within the parish community, such as within this very announcement. It also allows us to have an online presence through our website, social media and livestreaming for those who may be looking for a church—evangelism!—and get the word out for exciting events like Mingle & Jingle and the Boat Parade Festival. It is our communications team that does media relations. Because of their expertise in approaching outlets, we have had featured stories on local TV news in the recent past, such as a big feature article about Laundry Love in the Sun Sentinel, a number of op-eds published. This budget line item helps spread the word of our ministries!
- “Accounting Service” sounds administrative only, but it is also an important part of Stewardship. Through this line item, we pay for accountants who make weekly and monthly accounting; ensure that income and expenses are correctly identified within our many funds; and perform a yearly audit of the parish finances. This is ministry allowing us to be transparent with you and the diocese to ensure we are using our gifts wisely and appropriately.
We often only think of ministry being music or outreach or other “churchy” programs. However, all the items in the budget are there to directly or indirectly enable us to live into our full baptismal covenant as individuals and as a parish.
Thank you to those who made a Walk in Love pledge for 2025. If you have not yet made a pledge, there is still time! Please return your pledge card or send an email to office@allsaintsfl.org and let Michael or Lou know the gift you intend for 2025. All pledge and donation information is kept in confidence.
Pledge cards will also be available in the Narthex or
Click here to download a pledge card.
This is a .pdf file you can print and complete.