Wednesday Healing Eucharist
St. Luke's ChapelJoin us each Wednesday at 12:05 p.m. for a special service of prayer for healing followed by the Holy Eucharist. This service is held in St. Luke's chapel on the river side of the church. You may attend in person or via livestream on Vimeo and Facebook Live. The links for the livestream are posted […]
Riversounds – Music of the Night
Main Church 333 Tarpon Dr, Fort Lauderdale, FL, United StatesA Frightfully fun concert. Click HERE for more information (if you dare)!!!
Wednesday Healing Eucharist
St. Luke's ChapelJoin us each Wednesday at 12:05 p.m. for a special service of prayer for healing followed by the Holy Eucharist. This service is held in St. Luke's chapel on the river side of the church. You may attend in person or via livestream on Vimeo and Facebook Live. The links for the livestream are posted […]
All Saints Sunday Holy Eucharist 10:30 AM (In-person; Livestreamed)
Check Home Page for link to this service.
Sunday Reflections Group
New for the Fall: Sunday Reflections group Join us every Sunday after the 10:30 a.m. service as we delve into the Sunday scriptures and sermons in our program designed for those from all backgrounds and levels of experience. You can come as often as you like. All you need to participate is a willingness to […]
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Wednesday Healing Eucharist
St. Luke's ChapelJoin us each Wednesday at 12:05 p.m. for a special service of prayer for healing followed by the Holy Eucharist. This service is held in St. Luke's chapel on the river side of the church. You may attend in person or via livestream on Vimeo and Facebook Live. The links for the livestream are posted […]
Seraphic Fire Concert
"Contemporary: Jewish Voices" More information to be provided at a date closer to the performance. For program information, tickets and/or subscriptions please go to the Seraphic Fire website at:
Sunday Reflections Group
New for the Fall: Sunday Reflections group Join us every Sunday after the 10:30 a.m. service as we delve into the Sunday scriptures and sermons in our program designed for those from all backgrounds and levels of experience. You can come as often as you like. All you need to participate is a willingness to […]
Wednesday Healing Eucharist
St. Luke's ChapelJoin us each Wednesday at 12:05 p.m. for a special service of prayer for healing followed by the Holy Eucharist. This service is held in St. Luke's chapel on the river side of the church. You may attend in person or via livestream on Vimeo and Facebook Live. The links for the livestream are posted […]