Join Us at All Saints Episcopal Ministries

Adult Education

We love connecting with one another here! There are many different ways for you to feel included among the community of believers and build lasting relationships that inspire and empower you to grow your faith.

The Way of Love (Series via Zoom)

The Way of Love is a way of life. More than a program or curriculum, it is an intentional commitment to a set of practices to follow Jesus.

Our Lenten journey with The Way of Love was interrupted by the pandemic-related closure of our church. The Way of Love, however, is not a Lenten discipline; it is a joyful way of life for every day! Now, when we find ourselves in need of Jesus’ help more than ever, we will embark once again on the journey, this time in virtual community.

To learn more about this exceptional program developed by our Presiding Bishop Michael Curry, visit the national church’s website at

The Way of Love begins
Monday, May 11 at 7:00PM on Zoom.
We will gather on Zoom each Monday evening at 7:00PM through June 29.
Please note, there will be no session on Memorial Day, May 25.

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 881 9531 1085
Password: 238913

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Education for Ministry (EfM)

Over a period of four years, Education for Ministry participants study the Old Testament, the New Testament, the history of the Christian Church, and modern theology. The curriculum and written materials were developed by the School of Theology of the University of the South in Sewanee, TN. The fun and emotional riches are rooted in the character of All Saints!

Classes meet at ASEC once a week in the evenings, breaking for summer holidays.

The class of six to twelve people grow and learn together. It is fun and exciting! Come and see! Contact Frank Asterita for more information.

Inquirer’s Class (Journey to Faith)

This informative series journeys to explore the Episcopal Church and answer those nagging questions about “why do we do that?”

Sessions include: All Religious History – in 32 minutes or less, The Drive By Bible, The Council of Nicea/Nicene Creed, A History of Anglicanism,  Book of Common Prayer & The Sacraments, Baptismal Covenant, and Pain to Power: Faith in Action.

Class meets for eight Sundays starting September 13th at 9:00-10:15, in Neaverson Chapel. Please email Deb Greene or call the office for further information. Open to all ages. This class is a prerequisite for confirmation.

All are invited, members, non-members, and the curious; even if you just want a review or you need to finally solve the mysteries.




View Our Calendar

Worship Times


Please watch us on Facebook Live:
(You do not need to have a Facebook account to watch).

You may also visit the following website to access recordings of previous or upcoming live stream services:

Bulletins for each service will be posted on our website:

Direct links to the next upcoming service can be found on the Home Page and scroll down to "Upcoming Events"

Sunday Morning Eucharist @ 8:00 & 10:30 AM
Wednesday Healing Eucharist @ 12:05 PM
Thursday Vespers (Evening Prayer) @ 6:30 PM
Compline (Prayers at the End of Day)
---- Every night (except Thursday) @ 8:30 PM