The ORDO is the calendar containing instructions for the service to be celebrated on each day of the year.  We have many individuals who participate and play specific roles during the weekly Sunday services.  This schedule provides the names of the individuals scheduled to serve in each role during the current month.

Click HERE to download the February 2025 Ordo in PDF format.
If you would like to help out at these services, please contact the church office.
TBDs will be updated as soon as the information becomes available.

Click on the image below to enlarge it.



View Our Calendar

Worship Times


Please watch us on Facebook Live: https://facebook.com/asecfl
(You do not need to have a Facebook account to watch).

You may also visit the following website to access recordings of previous or upcoming live stream services: https://vimeo.com/allsaintsftl

Bulletins for each service will be posted on our website:

Direct links to the next upcoming service can be found on the Home Page and scroll down to "Upcoming Events"

Sunday Morning Eucharist @ 8:00 & 10:30 AM
Wednesday Healing Eucharist @ 12:05 PM
Thursday Vespers (Evening Prayer) @ 6:30 PM
Compline (Prayers at the End of Day)
---- Every night (except Thursday) @ 8:30 PM