New Visitors

Welcome to the All Saints Episcopal Church! If you are a first time visitor, you will soon discover that we have many long time members as well as many newcomers. You will be warmly embraced. There is a place for you!


If you are an early riser, join us at 8:00 am on Sunday for our Rite II Eucharist Service. This service does not include music except for the closing hymn.

At 10:30 am service on Sunday is the Rite II Choral Eucharist. As you arrive, you will be warmly welcomed by our greeters who will be ready to answer any questions you have about All Saints and provide you with a bulletin for the order of service. This service is filled with the beautiful sound of our choir singing selections of traditional and moving music. All are welcome to receive communion or a blessing. For those who cannot make it in-person, the 10:30 AM service is livestreamed on Vimeo and Facebook.  Find the link to these on the home page under “Upcoming Events”.

After the 10:30 a.m. service, you are welcome to join us via Zoom to meet with others at our weekly Virtual Coffee Hour at 11:45 a.m. 

Each Wednesday at 12:05 p.m. we offer a Healing Prayer Service with the Eucharist. This is a warm and loving service in prayer for healing for yourself, for loved ones, and for all on our prayer list. The service is currently being livestreamed.  Find the link on our home page under “Upcoming Events”.

Each Thursday at 6:30 p.m. we hold Vespers, an early evening offering of prayer.  This too is currently being livestreamed.  Find the link on our home page under “Upcoming Events”.



View Our Calendar

Worship Times


Please watch us on Facebook Live:
(You do not need to have a Facebook account to watch).

You may also visit the following website to access recordings of previous or upcoming live stream services:

Bulletins for each service will be posted on our website:

Direct links to the next upcoming service can be found on the Home Page and scroll down to "Upcoming Events"

Sunday Morning Eucharist @ 8:00 & 10:30 AM
Wednesday Healing Eucharist @ 12:05 PM
Thursday Vespers (Evening Prayer) @ 6:30 PM
Compline (Prayers at the End of Day)
---- Every night (except Thursday) @ 8:30 PM