Church Groups & Committees
Want to get more involved at All Saints? Click through the tabs below to learn more about the various groups and committees along with the chief contact for each.
Parish Organization | Ministry Contact | |
Finance Committee | Rick Vaughan | Email Rick |
Stewardship Committee | TBD | Email the Office |
Endowment Fund | Frank Helsom | Email Frank |
Legacy Society | Frank Helsom | Email Frank |
Organ Committee | TBD | Email the Office |
Parish Organization | Ministry Contact | |
Music | Daniel Copher | Email Daniel |
Acolytes, Lectors, Vergers, Eucharistic Ministers |
Carol Nissen | Email Carol |
Altar Guild | Michael Lee | Email Michael |
Nursery | Michael Lee | Email Michael |
Ushers | Conrad Akers | Email Conrad |
Welcoming Ministry | Jeanann Testyon | Email Jeanann |
Parish Organization | Ministry Contact | |
Sunday School | TBD | Email the Office |
Youth Group | TBD | Email the Office |
Adult Education | Deb Greene | Email Deb |
Education for Ministry (EFM) | Frank Asterita | Email Frank |
Parish Organization | Ministry Contact | |
Outreach Committee* | Deb Greene | Email Deb |
Eucharistic Visitors | Gregg Geenty-Prudhomme | Email Gregg |
ECW | Jackie Smith | Email Jackie |
Worship Times
Please watch us on Facebook Live: https://facebook.com/asecfl
(You do not need to have a Facebook account to watch).
You may also visit the following website to access recordings of previous or upcoming live stream services: https://vimeo.com/allsaintsftl
Bulletins for each service will be posted on our website:
Direct links to the next upcoming service can be found on the Home Page and scroll down to "Upcoming Events"
Sunday Morning Eucharist @ 8:00 & 10:30 AM
Wednesday Healing Eucharist @ 12:05 PM
Thursday Vespers (Evening Prayer) @ 6:30 PM
Compline (Prayers at the End of Day)
---- Every night (except Thursday) @ 8:30 PM